PARKER MICHAEL    born October 13, 2013  4:03 am  4 lbs 1 oz  17in
WEEK 2 in NICU   Oct 20-Oct 26               newer pictures on top


Screaming little monster! Parker is growing and so are his lungs !
Parker Update:

"Parker is 11 days old today (33 weeks and 5 days in NICU time) and he weights 4 pounds 3.7 ounces. He's still in the "box" to maintain his temperature, but other than that he appears to be healthy. No IV, no oxygen, no caffeine to help his breathing and no photo light therapy for jaundice. However he still gets all of his food (breast milk with added vitamins) through a tube. We can't go home until he can eat on his own-- but right now he prefers being fed without having to work for it. No big deal (yet) -- he's acting his age. But it looks like we'll be here a while!"
from Amy (on FaceBook) Oct 24