Alisa Craig  also see Charlotte MacLeod
    Detective Inspector Rhys  read in order
    *1. A Pint of Murder  1980
    *2. A Murder Goes Mumming  1981
    *3. A Dismal Thing to Do  1986
    *4. Trouble in Brasses  1989
    *5. The Wrong Rite  1992

    Osbert & Dittany Monk read in order
    *1. The Grub-and-Stakers Move a Mountain  1981
    *2. The Grub-and-Stakers Quilt a Bee  1985 QUILTS
    *3. The Grub-and-Stakers Pinch a Poke  1988
    *4. The Grub-and-Stakers Spin a Yarn  1990
    *5. The Grub-and-Stakers House a Haunt 1993

    Other Books by Alisa Craig
    *The Terrible Tide 1983