Eulogy by Grandpa Lerman
I'm Grandpa Lerman and I would like to take a few moments to reflect on the life of my Granddaughter Haley.

Haley came into this world a very fragile little baby.  She was born weighing just over four pounds and with a very serious illness, infantile myofibromatosis.  Within the first 12 hours of her life she was operated on to remove a tumor. She was in the hospital for most of the first 8 months of her life and a 6 months old she weighted only 6 lbs.

While in the hospital her parents kept constant vigil, always by her bedside. Talking to her, reading to her, playing music to her.  They were such a constant fixture at the hospital that many people mistook Ricky for a doctor.  And the care and attention Haley received from her parents was definitely the reason she was able to survive.

Haley came home from the hospital on a ventilator unable to breathe completely on her own and the vigil continued. She needed 24 hour care to insure that the machines were continuously working to help her breath.  In addition she had to be periodically suctioned.  Again both Sandy and Ricky rose to the challenge.  They learned how to connect and disconnect the breathing machine. They learned how to fix faulty machines and how and when to give Haley her meds.

 Haley also came back from the hospital to a home filled with balloons and stars on the ceiling and a home filled with tremendous love. The nurturing, caring and love she received from her parents and her extended family definitely helped in her recovery.

Slowly and methodically, inch by inch, step by step, Haley was weaned off  of the vent. 
Once free from the ventilator Haley exploded into life.  She crawled, walked and talked and began to run.  Once she learned to run, she never stopped. And all the love and caring she received from her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, doctors, nurses and friends, she returned 100 fold.

Haley was loving, caring and compassionate.  She had a thirst for life that was insatiable.  She loved everyone and everything. She had a compassion and understanding of people well beyond most children her age.  She was not afraid of other children's differences. She was not concerned with other peoples' looks or skin color.  Haley truly loved everyone and everyone was her best friend.  She always had a smile on her face and always was exited to meet everyone. 

There are often family gatherings at Grandma and Grandpa Lerman's for birthdays, holidays and any old day.  So Haley was a frequent visitor to our home.  Whenever Ricky and Sandy would drive up, Haley would jump out of the car, run up the sidewalk, up the steps and burst into our house, running up to the first person she saw and hugging them as if they were a long lost friend that she had not seen in years.  Then she would go around the room hugging and kissing everyone else.

When Haley was finished greeting everyone, she would run from room to room, looking for things, and would want anything that caught her eye. She would drag a chair by a bookcase and climb it to reach whatever it was she wanted.

Nothing about Haley was subtle.   She was always dramatic and melodramatic about everything.  Whenever she wanted something she would say  'I have to have it' or 'It is my favorite'.

Haley more than touched many peoples' hearts she left giant footprints. She was a whirlwind of activity and curiosity.  She overcame very obstacle and challenge, embraced life and lived life to the fullest.

When we look up unto a clear star studded evening sky Haley will not be a small twinkling star, our Haley will be a shooting star racing through the universe wanting to see everything.

I miss you Haley.

Love Grandpa 

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